Permitting and Regulatory Services


JBD staff are experts in preparing and obtaining regulatory permits for projects ranging from private residential development to federal and state-funded projects. For projects near waterways, lakes, wetlands, and other aquatic sites, we will conduct a jurisdictional delineation on the property to identify, flag, and maps the limits of each respective agencies’ jurisdiction. We then work with the construction team and/or developer to see if avoidance or redesign is feasible. We have developed strong relationships with federal and state agency personnel and work to ensure our clients have clear guidance on what to expect throughout the permitting process. We also offer recommendations to our clients on varying approaches to satisfy regulations and/or avoid the need for permits altogether. Some of our common permit application requests are listed below:


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

National Marine Fisheries Service



California Department of Fish and Wildlife

State Water Resources Control Board

California Coastal Commission


Helpful Links:

State Water Resources Control Board (Section 401 Certifications)

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Lake and Streambed Alteration Program)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Coastal Development Permit

California Endangered Species Act

